Monday, 28 November 2016

How to grow groundnuts

Groundnuts grow well in warm areas, below 1500 M above sea level. The best temperature requirement is about 30º C. They do not grow below 15º C. The crop does not tolerate frost and cold conditions including delay in flowering and seed formation.
For good growth, they also need 500 to 600 mm of rainfall, well-distributed throughout the growing season. The crop can survive drought or reduced rain but yields will be low. Well-drained soils are needed although the crop can also grow well in clay soils.
Land preparation and planting
Groundnut is an early season crop, which means that at the slightest sight of some rain, you need to plant. Plant when the soil is not soggy as the crop does not do well in waterlogged soils. To prevent blights caused by soil bacteria and fungi, ensure you use certified disease freeseeds. If you are using seed from the last season, ensure that the seeds for sowing are stored in their pods and only shelled a few days before planting. Shell the pods 1–2 weeks before sowing and select only good quality seed for sowing.
Plough the land and harrow to a fine tilth. Spacing depends on the variety. Small seeded types (bunch) are spaced at 30cm between rows and about 15 cm between plants. This has a plant population of 167,000 per hectare. The large seeded types (runner) are spaced at 45cm between rows and 20cm between plants, giving an optimum plant population of 89,000 per hectare. The seeds are planted in two rows on top of the ridge. Select clean and well formed seeds for planting. Sow seeds to a depth of 5-8 cm at a seed rate of 40-50kg per ha.
Use Biofix organic fertilizer when planting
Biofix is an organic nitrogen fixer for planting leguminous crops like beans, cowpeas, groundnuts and soya beans; leguminous pasture crops like Lucerne and desmodium; and leguminous trees like Sesbania and caliandra.
Being a natural product made out of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Biofix is environmentally friendly and is not expensive to buy or apply. When applied to groundnut seeds, it helps in the formation of more root nodules (small growths on the roots). These nodules help the plant to convert nitrogen in the air into into utilizable form by the plant. Nitrogen helps in leaf development and plant growth. Ensure that when buying the Biofix inoculant, you buy the right one for the type of crop you want to grow– there is biofix for groundnuts, and different ones for other legumes.
The packet (which is available in 10g, 50g or 100g) should contain the inoculant and a sticker made of gum Arabic or sugar solution. During planting, one needs one packet of biofix (100g) for 15kg of seed, which is enough for a 1 acre farm. Follow the instructions given on the package.
Once the seeds are inoculated with biofix, crops can take up nitrogen much easier and faster, which results in more rapid growth and plentiful harvest. When using biofix ensure you plant when your soil is still moist.
Groundnuts should be weeded promptly especially during the early stages of growth. Earthing up should be done at the time of weeding to encourage pegging, or penetration of young nuts into the soil. It is recommended that farmers use hand weeding after the start of pegging to avoid disturbing the growing nuts or damaging the flowers. Clean weeding should take place up to 6 weeks after which only hand weeding should be done.
The crop requires adequate amounts of Calcium when pods are forming, otherwise the farmer ends up with empty pods. Nitrogen fertilizers are not needed since groundnuts are leguminous plants. If soils are acidic, you can apply lime to raise the raise the pH and supply calcium. If there is no rain during flowering or pod formation, irrigate if possible to ensure the yields do not drop. For soils that are not fertile, Rock phosphate is recommended at a rate of 200kg/ha.
Dealing with pests and diseases
Like other crops, groundnuts are attacked by various pests and diseases. The table below shows how different pests and diseases can be controlled without using chemicals. The major pests and disease challenging groundnut growing are shown below:-

Harvesting and storage
Groundnuts mature from 90-130 days depending on the variety. Mature nuts should be firm and dry and brown on the outside. The inside of the pods should be grey and produce a rattling sound when shaken. To harvest, dig up nuts with great care to avoid them breaking off and remaining in the ground. Dry for 2-3 days, after which you can remove the nuts from the plants and dry them on mats for 7-10 days, to a moisture content of 10%. Shelling should be done by hand followed by sorting to remove the broken, dirty, damaged nuts which lower the quality and consequent selling price. Storage should be done in clean dry conditions to avoid growth of asperngillus spp which releases aflatoxin fungi that are poisonous to humans.


Ladies finger can be grown in a wide range of soils. However, it grows best in loose, friable, well-drained sandy loam soils rich in organic matter. It also gives good yield in heavy soils with good drainage. A pH range of 6.0-6.8 is considered as optimum. Alkaline, saline soils and soils with poor drainage are not good for this crop.

Ladies finger requires long warm growing season during its growing period. It gives good yield in warm humid condition. It grows best within a temperature range of 24-27°C. It can be successfully grown in rainy season even in heavy rainfall area. Bhendi is highly susceptible to frost injury. Seeds fail to germinate when temperature is below 20 °C.

Land preparation :
                                                      The land should be well prepared with 2-3 ploughing. Well decomposed FYM (25 t/ha) is incorporated at the time of land preparation. Bhendi is sown on ridges or on flat soil. If soil is heavy, sowing should be done on ridges. Application of organic manure like neem cake and poultry manures improves the plant growth and the yield in this crop. It is possible to reduce the use fertilizer by using neem cake and poultry manures.

Season of Planting :
                                                         The optimum time of seed sowing varies greatly depending upon climate, varieties and their temperature requirement for growth. Normally the crop is sown between January-March and June.

Spacing :
                                                        The hybrid varieties are planted at a spacing of 75 x 30 cm or 60 x 45 cm. A pre-soaking irrigation 3-4 days before sowing is beneficial. The seeds germinate in about 4-5 days.

Method of Planting : 
                                                         Ladies finger requires about 3.5-5.5 kg seeds/ha during summer seasons and 8-10 kg seeds/ha for rainy season crop. The seed rate generally varies with germination percentage, spacing and season. Before sowing the seeds are soaked in a solution of Bavistin (0.2%) for 6 hours. The seeds are then dried in shade. The seeds are dibbled on the either side of the furrows at a spacing of 60 x 30 cm in kharif season and 30 x 30 cm in summer season.

Saturday, 26 November 2016


China Agriculture

China agriculture produce enough food supply to feed the country with a large population but less arable land. With only 7 percent of the world's cultivated land, China has to feed one fifth of the world's population. Therefore, China's agriculture is an important issue and draws wide attention of the world. Some foreigners once raised the question, " Who will feed China?" China's leaders and agriculture experts' reply was, "We Chinese will feed ourselves."
This sector has developed rapidly since reforms in the rural areas began in 1978. The major reforms were: the household contract responsibility system, which restored to the farmers the right to use land, arrange farm work, and to dispose of their output; canceling the state market monopoly of agricultural products, and of price controls over most of agricultural and ancillary products; abolishing many restrictive policies, allowing farmers to develop diversified business and set up township enterprises so as to fire their enthusiasm for production. The reforms emancipated and developed rural productive forces, promoted the rapid growth of agriculture - particularly in grain production - and the optimization of agricultural structure. The achievements have been remarkable.
China AgricultureIn the 1990s, China's agriculture and rural economy faced unprecedented difficulties and challenges. But development momentum maintained fairly good nonetheless, with most products in surplus and supply and demand basically in balance every year. The year 2004 was a turning point, with grain production of 469.47 million tons, reversing a five-year decline. Now China leads the world in output of grain, cotton, oil plants, fruit, meat, eggs, aquatic products and vegetables.
Output per capita has risen significantly. In 2004, grain output was 362 kg per capita; per capita figures for meat (pork, beef, and mutton), milk, and aquatic products were above world averages, reaching 44.6 kg, 17.4 kg, and 37.8 kg, respectively.
Agricultural Industrialization
In recent years, investment in excess of three billion yuan has been devoted to furthering agricultural industrialization, an important part of the national program for enhancing the international competitiveness of Chinese agriculture. In 2004 alone the government set up 35 agricultural programs, supported by 30 million yuan from the Central Government, over 50 million yuan from local governments, some 100 million yuan of bank loans and more than 600 million yuan raised by enterprises and farmers.
China AgricultureNow a pattern has been formed, with 582 key national enterprises and over 2,000 key provincial enterprises as spearhead, and agencies of various forms connecting farmers with the production base. Leading enterprises in certain sectors, e.g., corn processing, dairy industry and chicken production, have taken major market share and play an increasingly important role in the development and pricing of their respective industries.
Since 2003, the state has set up six types of demonstration projects for the industrialization of modern agro-technology, so as to promote the use of advanced technology for agricultural production, and enhance foreign earnings from exports of farm products.
These projects include industrialization of breeding and cultivation of excellent new varieties and fine strains; high-efficiency, eco-friendly planting and aquatic breeding technology; water-saving and precision technologies; downstream processing of agricultural and ancillary products; pollution-free inputs (e.g., fertilizer and fodder) and the establishment of an agricultural information platform. The "downstream processing of main agricultural products project" was listed as an important sci-tech project during the 2000-2005 Five-Year Plan period. It aims at developing key technologies and equipment for downstream processing of staple agricultural products, research into integrated quality control systems and the quick testing of agro-product technology and equipment. Once completed, some of China's technological aspects will meet the advanced international standard. Meanwhile, the "dairy industry development" and "water-saving agriculture" projects have been listed among important sci-tech application programs initiated by the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

Japan’s Urban Agriculture: Cultivating Sustainability and Well-being

  • Japan’s urban agriculture
    Sometimes regarded as a sign of developmental failure, a nuisance or simply nonsense, the truth is that urban agriculture has experienced a renaissance in recent years. Momentum has built around agglomerating social movements concerned with providing community access to fresh, locally grown foods. Urban planners are seeking innovative solutions to the social and environmental challenges imposed by an urbanizing world, and scientists are looking to urban ecosystems as providers of vital ecosystems services — such as food, heat-island control and water management — that are able to boost local well-being and reduce the ecological footprints of cities.
    Japan is quite a unique case when it comes to urban agriculture. Despite being a highly industrialized country, the presence of agricultural land use is a common feature on the urban landscape of cities across the nation. It might come as a surprise that almost one-third of all agricultural output in the country is, in fact, generated by urban agriculture. Likewise, urban farmers account for 25% of farming households in Japan.
    Furthermore, Japanese urban agriculture is more productive than its rural counterparts. According to 2010 data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), urban fields are the most productive kind of agriculture in terms of economic value of production per area — 3% more productive than the national average. In terms of revenue per farmer, urban agriculture is two times more profitable than inter-mountainous agriculture and around 10% more so than agriculture in rural plain areas. Even in Tokyo, one of the largest and most congested cities in the world, among the intricate networks of railways, roads, buildings and power wires, local agriculture produces enough vegetables to potentially feed almost 700,000 city dwellers.
    What is so special about Japanese urban agriculture, and why does it matter? Precisely because it happens in (and around) cities, urban agriculture has several distinctive features from its rural counterparts. In Japan, several social and environmental functions of urban agriculture have been recently recognized by Japanese policy makers. The MAFF identifies the following roles of urban agriculture:
    1. Source of fresh and safe products, including organic and low-chemical crops, that are increasingly demanded by urban consumers. These can be locally produced and consumed based on relationships of trust between farmers and city dwellers.
    2. Opportunity for urban residents’ engagement in agricultural activities, both directly (e.g., allotment gardens) and through exchange between producers and consumers with the sales of agricultural products at local farm stands.
    3. Open space for disaster management, including fire spread prevention, evacuation space for earthquakes and open space in case of other disasters.
    4. Resource for recreation and well-being, including green space for personal leisure and spiritual comfort.
    5. Education and awareness-raising for improving urban residents’ understanding of agriculture and food issues.
    In addition to these roles, urban agriculture can further contribute to sustainability and well-being in cities. For instance, by increasing the area of permeable surface for storm water management, or reducing the heat-island effect (and, thus, potentially energy needs) by cooling the air. Urban agriculture also can contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem services by providing habitats and managing species (e.g. boosting pollination and growing local varieties). Furthermore, it can reduce food miles (the distance that food must be transported) and even provide bio-energy resources (e.g., from managed forests).
    Yet, despite all its actual and potential benefits, agriculture in Japanese cities is under threat. In just the past decade, agricultural land use has diminished by over 40% because of urbanization-related impacts, even though the population of the country has remained stable. The number of people practising agriculture in urban areas also has decreased dramatically. In Tokyo, for instance, the number of families involved in agricultural activities has decreased by more than 60% since 1975.

    The challenges

    The first difficulty in dealing with urban agriculture lies in its definition and, hence, its regulation. In Japan, urban agriculture falls under the MAFF, which is in charge of policies concerning agriculture, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLITT), which deals with urban planning. Since the two ministries use different zoning classification systems to distinguish between areas in which urbanization is a priority and areas in which farming is, there are conflicting definitions of what in fact constitutes urban agriculture. This, in turn, results in policy challenges at the ground level, often aggravated by regional and local regulation.
    The other major factors posing a challenge to urban farming are:
    Aging of farmers — Important challenges for urban agriculture also arise from the national demographics. The average age of most people practicing agriculture in Japanese cities, as is also the case in rural areas, is rapidly rising. Consequently, great uncertainty exists regarding the extent to which agricultural areas will remain functional in the coming decades, which production methods will be employed, or what kind of land uses agricultural fields will transition towards. This could jeopardize some of the current environmental and socio-economic functions of urban agriculture.
    Tax barriers — For the most part, maintaining productive farmland in the urban areas of Japan poses an economic burden for landowners, who face significantly high taxes such as the so-called inheritance tax. Special provisions exist under national legislation to grant tax exemptions to active urban farmers, further complemented with incentives by cities. Yet high urban real estate prices and tough compliance requirements of some tax exemption programmes (such as a lengthy commitment to active farming of 30 or more years in some cases) drive farmers away from production or into transforming land for development.
    Commercialization — For urban agriculture to thrive in Japanese cities, bringing consumption of local, eco-friendly products from its current niche market into a mainstream one remains a challenge. Although direct sales at farm stands or farmers’ markets are not uncommon, often urban products are commercialized in regional, national or even international markets, thus missing the opportunity of urban agriculture to contribute to sustainability by reducing food miles and packing and processing needs while strengthening the local economy with high-value-added products.
    Productivity shift — Proximity to densely inhabited areas makes urban farmers especially prone to reducing chemical use. According to the 2005 Agricultural Census, the number of farmers practicing low or chemical free agriculture in Tokyo, Osaka and Kanagawa was significantly higher than the national average. Yet truly ecologically sound practices are not the rule in Japanese cities. Soil conservation, organic fertilization, ecological pest control, enhancement of seed diversity, and a systemic approach integrating other urban ecosystems such as forests or aquatic systems are elements missing at the planning and management level. For urban farming to make a significant contribution to sustainability and local well-being, it needs to transition to a fully systemic, ecological approach so as to sustain production over time without compromising urban biodiversity and other local ecosystem services.

    The opportunities

    Despite the hurdles, opportunities do exist for strengthening the roles of Japanese urban agriculture for sustainability and local well-being, including governance, economic, environmental and social aspects.
    New conceptual approaches — Recently, the idea of cities managing their local ecosystems for agricultural production has been gaining momentum. For example, the continuously productive urban landscapes (CPULs) concept is a planning framework for increasing local sustainability while reducing urban impact. By designing compact cities with surrounding areas that can be used for agriculture, the need for industrialized production, extensive packaging and lengthy distribution can be significantly reduced. Especially relevant for Japan are the concepts of satoyama (and satoumi), which refer to“dynamic mosaics of managed socio-ecological systems that produce a bundle of ecosystem services for human well-being”. Although originating in the rural context, both concepts offer valuable lessons for cities. For instance, satoyama landscapes in peri-urban areas can become important hotspots for agro-ecological production that can fulfil urban demands for foods, energy and cultural services while revitalizing the local economy, especially in areas with declining populations.
    Increased interest of urban residents in agriculture — In recent years, interest in agriculture has grown significantly among Japanese urban dwellers; according to a recent study by MAFF, over 85% of Tokyo residents would like their city to have farmland in order to secure access to fresh foods and green space. The systems Taiken Nouen, by which people participate in different activities with actual farmers, and Shimin Nouen, or allotment gardens, are the two most popular systems of citizens’ involvement in urban agriculture in Japan. While the number of allotment gardens in rural areas remained constant over the last decade, in urban areas it increased by 67%. According to 2010 MAFF data, applications were 30% higher than the number of existing gardens nationwide. In some highly industrialized cities, such as Kawasaki and Nagoya, demand for gardens surpassed supply by over 300%.
    Green economy: urban agriculture for sustainable consumption–production networks — In an urbanizing world, cities are fundamental for achieving a green economy, a concept now at the forefront of the international sustainable development agenda. Because of its proximity to consumers, urban agriculture can more easily target urban demand, as opposed to rural production which is more exposed to the influences of agricultural commodities’ markets. Throughout Japan, the production of conventional rice and stockbreeding in urban areas has decreased drastically, shifting towards high-value-added products such as vegetables and fruits. As Japanese consumers of urban agricultural crops are largely interested in eco-friendly products, the establishment of local production–consumption networks in cities can contribute to sustainability while generating economic opportunities. Local brands for urban products, such as the Yokohama brand or the Kaga brand in Kanazawa, as well as direct sales to consumers, are mechanisms already in place, although yet to be mainstreamed across the country.
    Innovative finance mechanisms: payment for urban ecosystem services and biodiversity — Economic compensation for the provisioning of environmental goods and services not captured by the market is an innovative mechanism for enabling a green economy. While not specifically designed for cities or agriculture, such payment schemes could be used to strengthen the roles of urban farming as provider of local biodiversity and ecosystem services, incentivizing a shift towards clean, biodiversity-friendly production practices. Given the importance of urban agriculture in Japan in extent and production, and given the demographic threats it is currently facing, improving biodiversity and ecosystem services while generating economic opportunities can be a win–win solution. New governance instruments, such as the ones emerging from the Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity recently adopted at the 10th Conference of the parties of the Convention of Biological Diversity in Nagoya in 2010, could enable this transition.
    Urban regeneration and political momentum for urban agriculture — Many Japanese cities, rapidly developed in the post-war period under weak zoning mechanisms, present a scattered mosaic of green patches among buildings and concrete infrastructure. Cities across the country are developing urban regeneration policies aimed at restoring the urban landscape for improved local environment and well-being. Within this context, urban agriculture provides a much needed source of greenery, especially in highly industrialized, urbanized areas of big cities and city centres. At the national level, the importance of urban agriculture within Japan’s national environmental strategy has been recently recognized.
    Green innovation — In a technology-savvy country like Japan, urban agriculture offers a fertile ground for green innovation. From rooftop gardens for urban residents to engage in agriculture, to green curtains using edible species for insulation of public buildings, to computer-based indoor plant growing, new forms of urban farming are emerging. By linking its technological potential to the principles of sustainable agriculture rooted on the traditional farming and food cultures, Japan could play a leading role in urban agricultural innovation, inspiring other countries to follow suit.
    In Japan, urban farming is both a significant component of the national agricultural sector and an essential ingredient of city space. By creating an integrative policy environment that enables cities to maximize multiple ecological and socio-economic benefits, urban agriculture will make a significant contribution to sustainability and to the well-being of city dwellers — from enhancing local ecosystem services and biodiversity, to reducing urban footprints

Make organic fertilizer form organic waste

  1. 1. Make organic fertilizer form organic waste

  2. 2. Household Compost Step  Prepare a large container with cover and a drain beneath.  Collect the food waste, cut into small size, filter the water.  Input the food waste into the bucket, and add some sugar everyday (to reduce odor).  After 2~3 weeks, you can discharge the waste out and cover it with leaves and soil in your back yard.  After about one month, you can feel the warming on the top of your compost, repeat the steps of above and continue to stack up.

  3. 3. Household Compost Remark:  Regularly discharge the brown water (liquid fertilizer).  After several month (2~3 in summer, 4~6 in winter), the compost can be use as conditional soil.  Ventilation can avoid odor, coffee grounds or tea leaves are good deodorant.  It takes about 1 month period to achieve initial stage, so we recommend you prepare two or more barrels.

  4. 4. Natural Compost in Farms Step  Pile up the animal excrements, agricultural waste, food waste and other organic matter to about one meter to one and half meter high.  Constantly re-pile the compost to maintain the high temperature and supply of oxygen.  Repeat step 2 for 2~3 month and the ripened compost will be generated. It can be use as organic fertilizer in your farm.

  5. 5. Natural Compost in Farms Remark  Microbes in the compost will begin to reproduce, decompose, and the heat generated by microbial activity will warm up the compost to 60 to 70 degrees Celsius.  Many farmers dispose the food waste as organic fertilizer and resulted in bad smell, it is because without the hightemperature sterilization process, the food waste will generate many pathogens and odor during decomposition.

  6. 6. CFT Fertilizer Machine Steps:  Use shatter to cut the waste into smaller size material.  Input shattered material into the CFT fertilizer machine.  Add CFT enzymes (formula) and start operation.  Wait for 1~3 hours for reaction complete.  Discharge the reacted material, use them after cooling.

  7. 7. CFT Fertilizer Machine Remarks:  Animal manure can be inputted without shattering.  Moisture content should be at least 50% for enzyme reaction.  Various fuels can be used for heating, ex: gas, waste oil.  If end product is not going to use immediately, we recommend you to (sun) dry it before storage.

  1. 8. CFT Fertilizer Machine  You can make your own organic fertilizer from organic wastes (ex: straws, vegetables, manure, .etc) in very short time by using CFT fertilizer machine. It can help farmer to cut the cost of chemical fertilizer and reduce the cost of cultivation. If you want to know further about CFT Fertilizer Machine.     Thank You
if u want more about organic form pls comment me to add more info 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

வீட்டிலேயே எரு தயாரிக்கலாம்

மண்ணின் வளத்தை மேம்படுத்தும் எருவை விலை கொடுத்து வாங்கித்தான் தோட்டங்களுக்கு இட்டு வருகிறோம். இந்நிலையில் வீட்டுப் பூத்தோட்டம், காய்கறித் தோட்டம், மாடித் தோட்டம் போன்றவற்றுக்கு இடுவதற்கான எருவை வீட்டிலேயே எளிமையான முறையில் தயாரிக்கலாம்.
முதலில் ஒரு பழைய பிளாஸ்டிக் பெட்டியை எடுத்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள். அதன் அடியில் காற்றோட்டத்துக்கும் அதிகப்படியான நீரை வெளியேற்றவும் சில துளைகளை இட வேண்டும்.
  • அதன் பிறகு ஒரு அங்குல உயரத்துக்குச் சரளைக் கற்களைப் பரப்பி வைக்கவும்.
  • அதன் மீது ஓர் அங்குல அளவுக்கு மணலைப் பரப்பவும்.
  • இதன் மீது ஒரு அங்குல அளவுக்குத் தோட்டத்து மண்ணைப் பரப்பவும்.
  • இதில் தினமும் சமையலறைக் கழிவு, தோட்டக் கழிவு போன்ற மக்கக்கூடிய கழிவை இட்டு வரவும். கழிவில் ஈரப்பசை அதிகம் இருந்தால், அத்துடன் மண்ணைச் சேர்த்து இடவும். இந்தப் பெட்டியின் மேற்புறம் துளைகள் கொண்ட மூடியைக் கொண்டு மூடவும். அவ்வப்போது தண்ணீர் தெளித்து ஈரப்பசையைத் தக்க வைத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். பாத்திரம் நிறையும்வரை கழிவுகளை இட்டு வரவும்.
  • பெட்டி நிறைந்த பிறகு, மக்குவதற்கு விட வேண்டும். அதற்கு 30 முதல் 60 நாட்கள்வரை ஆகும். நன்றாக மக்கிய கழிவிலிருந்து மண்வாசனை வரும், கருப்பு நிறத்தில் இருக்கும். இதைச் செடிகளுக்கு எருவாக இட்டால், நல்ல வளம் கிடைக்கும்.
  • இந்த எருவில் மண்புழுக்களை இட்டு மதிப்பைக் கூட்டலாம். மண்புழு எரு தயார் செய்ய, மேற்கண்ட மக்கிய கழிவில் சில மண்புழுக்களை விடவும். மண்புழுக்களுக்கும் ஈரப்பசை அவசியம் என்பதால், ஏதாவது ஒரு சாக்கு அல்லது பருத்தித் துணியைக் கொண்டு பெட்டியை மூடவும். எரு பொலபொலவென்று வந்த பின், இந்த மண்புழு உரத்தைச் செடிகளுக்கு இடலாம்.

Melia Dubia (Malai vembu)

One of the major problem in today's agriculture is reducing income year by year. The land values are increased and  income from agriculture is reduced due to increased cost for labors, increase in cost of cultivation and increase in transportation cost. Because of that farmers are selling land and looking for other business. So we need to think of good income from agriculture by reducing labors and increasing yield. In today's picture, the middle men are earning the good income from agriculture products, and the farmer who produces getting less from what he produced. Since the many short term crops need more labors, transportation and inventory cost, the final gain for the farmers are very less. To make good revenues as per acre, we need to cultivate medium to long term crops keeping the cost to minimal and also good revenue in future. 

Melia Dubia Plants

Melia Dubia is one of the fast growing tree and give good returns. It can be used in match or biomass or plywood industries. After 3 years, 30-40 tons of biomass/acre can be harvested upto 10 years. The price of wood per ton is rs 2000-4000. so one can get minimum revenue of 2000*30 = rs 60000/acre every year.
30% of the trees we leave without cutting for 8 years means it can be used in plywood industries which will fetch rs 6000-10000 per tree( 6000*300 = rs 18,00000). 


Once we decide to cultivate the tree means first  go with good seedling collection from Forest Departments. When direct sowing the seed without treatment , the germinationpercentage is less(20%). So we do alternate soaking and drying in cold water, the period of germination is 20 days and 75% germination is expected. Those having difficulty in germination, can get the seedlings(sapling) from the plant nurseries.

Then we start planting in beginning of the  rainy season, so irrigation is minimal or can use drip irrigation for 2 years.

The suggested Pit size is 2 feet x 2 feet.  10x10  feet spacing is needed for better girth.
Procedure of planting:

 1) Dig the pit and keep it open for 1-2 weeks.

 2) Then close the pit with the soil available with digging.

 3) After 2 days, open the pit slightly 1/2 feet , put organic manure(Vermicompost) of 0.5 kg for each pit and plant the seedling. If sapling  height is more, can use support pole for each pit to avoid breaking of sapling.

 4) And irrigate in same day.

Melia dubia has 90% less side branches, so less labors are needed to maintain.
Upto 5 years, ground nut, chilli, turmeric, blackgram as inter crops can be cultivated.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Mini Bio-gas plant using food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste

Mini Bio-gas plant using food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste
I have been searching for some method of using the food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste efficiently, and came across information on producing bio-gas from organic waste.

The bio-gas produced from food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste, consisting of methane and a little amount of carbon di oxide is an alternative fuel for cooking gas (LPG). Also, the waste materials can be disposed off efficiently without any odor or flies and the digested slurry from the bio-gas unit can be used as an organic manure in the garden.

Components of the Bio-gas Plant

The major components of the bio-gas plant are a digester tank, an inlet for feeding the kitchen waste, gas holder tank, an outlet for the digested slurry and the gas delivery system for taking out and utilizing the produced gas.

This project is also useful for students to have a hands-on learning experience in constructing a Mini Bio-Gas Plant, using locally available material.

Material Required:

1. Empty PVC can 50 ltrs capacity: 1 No. (to be used as Digester Tank)
2. Empty PVC can 40 ltrs capacity: 1 no. (to be used as Gas Holder Tank) (Make sure the smaller can fits inside larger one and moves freely)
3. 64 mm dia pvc pipe: about 40 cm long (to be used for feeding waste material)
4. 32 mm dia pvc pipe: about 50 cm long (fixed inside gas holder tank as a guide pipe)
5. 25 mm dia pvc pipe: about 75 cm long (fixed inside the digester tank as a guide pipe)
6. 32 mm dia pvc pipe: about 25 cm long (fixed on digester tank to act as outlet for digested slurry)
7. M-seal or any water-proof adeshive
8. Gas outlet system: Please see Step 4 below for required materials and construction

Tools required

Do not require many tools here. A hack saw blade for cutting the cans & pipes and a sharp knife for cutting holes on the cans are all the tools we need.

Additional accessories

A single burner bio-gas stove or a Bunsen Burner used in school laboratories

Step 1:

Bought this 50 ltrs capacity PVC can, which will act as the digester unit and removed the top portion of the can, by cutting it with a hack saw blade:
                    For demo click the link:

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Botanical Name(s)
Family Name

Popular Names
Arthrospira Platensis, Spirulina Maxima, Spirulina Platensis

Blue-green algae, Health supplement, Spirulina, Surul Pasi.

Since 2009 Simplicity Spirulina Farm is growing. It produces high quality spirulina. The spirulina is sun-dried, which gives it a special energy and a wonderful taste. In its World Food Conference of 1974, the United Nations lauded spirulina as being possibly “the best food for the future."

Spirulina is a tiny blue-green algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil. Biologically speaking, it is one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet. Its scientific name is Arthrospira Plantensis.

Appearing 3.6 billion years ago, it provided an evolutionary bridge between bacteria and green plants. This water plant has renewed itself for billions of years and has nourished many cultures throughout history, in Africa, in the Middle East and in the Americas.

Spirulina grows naturally in mineral-rich alkaline lakes which can be found on every continent, often near volcanoes. The largest concentrations of spirulina today can be found at Lake Texcoco in Mexico, around Lake Chad in Central Africa and along the Great Rift Valley in east Africa. Since its re-discovery in the 1960s, spirulina has been exhaustively and extensively tested by scientists around the world, and is found to be the most powerful and well-balanced source of nutrition available on the planet.

Spirulina is called a super food because its nutrient content is more potent than any other food. Many of the essential nutrients needed by our bodies are concentrated in spirulina. It is comprised of at least 60% all-vegetable protein, essential vitamins and phytonutrients such as the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides.

  • There are four major conditions for growing Spirulina.
  • Tropical weather
  • Strong sunshine
  • Pure water resource
  • Pollution free environment
It is not possible to grow Commercial Spirulina culture in a cold or temperate area. Spirulina needs consistent high temperature which helps it’s growth. Spirulina will not grow anywhere that has constant low temperature (under 25 degrees). Under 20c degrees Spirulina will stop reproducing and die in a short time.

Spirulina absorbs sunshine and then creates a reaction in it's cells. When this reaction starts, Spirulina will produce the nutrients in the cell and will convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Strong sunshine helps Spirulina produce more nutrients. 

Spirulina grows in alkaline saline water. Because Spirulina easily absorbs nutrients from water, if the water contains pollution or heavy metals, these will be highly concentrated in the Spirulina cell. If this happens, then this kind of Spirulina is no longer suitable for human consumption.

As stated by NASA:"The Nutritional value of 1kg spirulina is equivalent to 1,000kgs of assorted fruits and vegetables". 

In order to produce 1 kg of spirulina very little water is needed (the only significant loss is through evaporation) and even brackish or alkaline water, unsuitable for agriculture, can be used. Growing spirulina also requires very little surface area of land, with the further advantage that the land can be marginal, unusable and non-fertile. Spirulina protein uses 1/3 of the amount of water needed to grow soybeans and only 1/50th of the water needed for beef protein. Spirulina protein needs 20 times less land than soybeans and 200 times less than is required for beef production. Spirulina can help in the struggle with global warming as it fixes carbon and produces oxygen. 


With over 100 nutrients, Spirulina is often described as the most complete food source in the world. The American National Aeronautical and Space Agency includes it in their astronauts diet and plans to grow Spirulina in it’s space station. It’s easy to see why.
Japan has some good examples of some Japanese seniors who have only relied on Spirulina and water for more than 20 years showing how good is Spirulina for the human body.


Perhaps the best feature of spirulina is that its nutrients are very well assimilated by the body, since it contains no cellulose in its cell walls. Spirulina is a low fat, low calorie, cholesterol-free source of protein containing all the essential amino acids. It helps combat problems like diabetes, anaemia and atmospheric pollution. It also helps combat 'free radicals' which can lead to ailments like cancer, arthritis, cataracts. Moreover, the gama linolic acid (GLA) present in spirulina dissolves fat deposits, helps prevent heart problems and reduces 'bad cholesterol'. As if this wasn't enough, the National Cancer Institute, USA, has additionally announced that sulfolipids in spirulina are remarkably active against the AIDS virus. Regular intake of spirulina increases anti-viral activity, stimulates the immune system, reduces kidney toxicity, improves wound healing and reduces radiation sickness.

  • High temperature, moisture or pollution will reduce the beneficial effects of Spirulina.
  • Buy and keep no more than 6 months worth.
  • After open the packaging we strongly recommend you use the product within three months.
  • After usage , ensure you reseal the packing as soon as possible.
  • Keep the product away from any possible heat source.
  • Keep the product away from sun or any exposure to strong light.
  • Children who don’t like or get enough vegetables and or have an imbalanced food intake.
  • Teenagers during their rapid growing period need a sufficient injection of nutrients. Spirulina is ideal for this.
  • Pregnant mums who need extra nutrients. (please consult your chemist or your health practitioner.)
  • Seniors who have difficulty in having reasonable average 3 meals per day.
  • Sport lovers or athletics who need extra nutrients to keep their energy levels up.
  • Modern busy people who don't have the time to eat good meals.
  • Patients or people who need high volumes of nutrients to assist recovery (please consult your doctor)
  • Vegetarians who require extra nutrient sources.
  • People with hyperparathyroidism
  • People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.
  • Patients current experiencing high fever.

We suggest 2~3tablets a day for adults, 1~2 tablets for children under 12 years old. If you have special requirements for extra nutrients, please consult your chemist or your health practitioner.

  • Take only with cold or warm water, (not juice, soft drinks, coffee or tea)
  • After taking Spirulina, avoid alcohol, soft drinks or coffee for 30 minutes as these drinks can destroy some of the Spirulina nutrients and enzymes
  • Take at least an extra half litre of water a day
  • It doesn't matter if you take it once a day or twice a day, so long as you take enough for a day.

Spirulina contains more than 60% vegetable protein, which is much higher than fish, pork, or beef (which contains about 15 ~20 %).Animal protein is a much bigger molecule than vegetable protein, and is much harder to for our system to digest.

Most modern people overindulge in animal protein, by eating fish, beef, pork etc. When too much animal protein is eaten, it is deposited in our body as fat. Too much fat will cause high cholesterol levels and may impact our heart and blood vessels.

Vegetable protein is water soluble, and is much smaller than animal protein. If you eat too much vegetable protein, it is simply discharged by your system as waste and not stored as fat.

Animal protein is a much bigger molecule than vegetable protein, and is much harder to for our system to diges 

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